Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP0300]

Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP
Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP
Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP
Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP
Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP
Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP

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  • Model: SFP0300
  • MPN: SFP0300
  • UPC: 758152503008

Advanced Shotgun Forend Pistol Grip Syn Black [SFP0300] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Accessories including Stocks And Forends. Browse our selection of Stocks And Forends and more.

This shotgun forend pistol grip by Advanced Technology is ergonomically-designed and features easy removal and installation and a non-slip, double-finger, pebble grain grip for maximum control and comfort. The pistol grip is made of DuPont extreme temperature glass-reinforced polymer, and it is made in the U.S.A.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 758152503008
MPN: SFP0300
Class: Stocks And Forends
Make: Shotgun
Series: Pistol Grip Forend
Firearm Type: Shotgun
Firearm Model: Moss 535/590/835, Rem 870, Win 1200/1300
Material: Synthetic
Finish: Black
Features: Pistol Grip
Grip Type: Pistol Grip
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