Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo/Earth Tone [7213]

Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo
Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo

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Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo/Earth Tone [7213]
  • 99+ inventory

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 7213
  • MPN: 7213
  • UPC: 026509072133

Allen Cloth Handgun Case 13in Endura Textured Camo/Earth Tone [7213] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship.

Allen cloth hangun cases are completed with corduroy lining, thick foam padding and a full length zipper.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026509072133
MPN: 7213
Class: Guncases
Make: Cloth
Series: Handgun
Color: Camo/Earth Tone
Dimensions: 13"
Material: Endura
Finish: Textured
Proofs: Foam
Padding: Foam
Crushproof: No
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