Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]

Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]

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Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206]
  • 99+ inventory

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 206
  • MPN: 206
  • UPC: 026509002062

Allen Nylon 9 Rounds Black Neoprene [206] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship.

Allen's version of this classic shooting accessory is made from durable, heavy weight elastic that fits snugly to the stock of your firearm without interfering with holding or aiming the gun. The shell loops are uniformly sewn in for easy-access position, so your shells are reliably in place when you need them. The Basic Buttstock Shell Holder installs in seconds on most long guns without slipping, and is designed to withstand years of outdoor use.This model is for rifles and has loops for nine rounds.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026509002062
MPN: 206
Class: Holders And Accessories
Make: Basic
Series: Buttstock Shell Holder
Color: Black
Material: Elastic
Size: 9 Rounds
Model: Basic
Model Fit: Rifle
Mount Type: Buttstock
Shell Count: 9
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