Bianchi Sporting Holster 7000 Fits Belts up-to 1.75in Black Accumold Trilam [17686]

Bianchi Sporting Holster 7000 Fits Belts up-to 1.7
Bianchi Sporting Holster 7000 Fits Belts up-to 1.7
Bianchi Sporting Holster 7000 Fits Belts up-to 1.7

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  • Model: 17686
  • MPN: 17686
  • UPC: 013527176868

Bianchi Sporting Holster 7000 Fits Belts up-to 1.75in Black Accumold Trilam [17686] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Holsters. Browse our selection of Sportsman Holster and more.

A well designed high ride holster with a closed muzzle that is ideal for field, hunting, and casual carry. The AccuMold construction protects the pistol even under the harshest conditions. The 7000 has a forward cant of 10 degrees that adds in both comfort and ease of presentation. It features a 1.75" injection molded belt loop, and sleek front strap closure that incorporates the Adjust A Strap feature.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 013527176868
MPN: 17686
Class: Holsters
Make: Sporting
Series: Sporting
Color: Black
Material: Accumold Trilaminate
Model: Right
Finish: Textured
Gun Model: Colt KC/Python; Llama Martial/Com; Ruger GP100
Other Models: 6" Barrel SW 19/586/ K/L Frame; Taurus 66/80/669
Mount Type: Belt Loop
Belt Size: Handgun
Gun Type: Handgun
Compartments: 1
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