Blackhawk Ankle Holster 10 Black Knit Fabric [40AH10BKL]

Blackhawk Ankle Holster 10 Black Knit Fabric [40AH
Blackhawk Ankle Holster 10 Black Knit Fabric [40AH
Blackhawk Ankle Holster 10 Black Knit Fabric [40AH

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  • Model: 40AH10BKL
  • MPN: 40AH10BKL
  • UPC: 648018100598

Blackhawk Ankle Holster 10 Black Knit Fabric [40AH10BKL] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Holsters. Browse our selection of Ankle Holster and more.

Comfortable enough to wear against skin due to soft knit fabric it features closed cell foam acts as a moisture barrier and provides padding for comfort, along with a molded thumb break and non stretch retention strap.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 648018100598
Class: Holsters
Make: Ankle
Series: Holster LH
Color: Black
Material: Cordura 1000D Nylon
Size: Sz 10
Model: Left
Finish: Textured
Gun Model: Small Autos .22-.25 Cal and 380s
Mount Type: Velcro
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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