Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainless [113-0293]

Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainl
Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainl
Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainl
Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainl

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Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainless [113-0293]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!

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  • Model: 1130293
  • MPN: 113-0293
  • UPC: 023614033950

Browning Choke Tube Invector 12 Gauge Skeet Stainless [113-0293] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your choke tubes needs. Featuring 12 Gauge Skeet shotgun chokes on sale, in-stock and ready to ship.

Standard invector tubes produce patterns with excellent uniform densities. It is set to industry constriction standards and are made of 17-4 stainless steel.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 023614033950
MPN: 1130293
Class: Choke Tubes
Make: Invector
Series: Standard
Gauge: 12 Gauge
Choke Size: Skeet
Configuration: Invector
Finish: Stainless
Constriction: .005
Chokes Included: 1
Recommended For: 30 yds
Material: 17-4 Stainless Steel
Approved: No
Ported: No
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