Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holster Right-Hand Leather Black [MLBM]

Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holste
Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holste
Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holste
Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holste
Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holste

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Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holster Right-Hand Leather Black [MLBM]
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  • Model: MLBM
  • UPC: 672352007411

Bulldog Belt Slide Medium Automatic Handgun Holster Right-Hand Leather Black [MLBM] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Holsters. Browse our selection of Belt Slide Holster and more.

These Molded Belt Slide Holsters are made from quality leather that has been hand tooled and tanned to provide a durable, attractive product. The unique design of each holster allows for multiple fits, eliminating the problem of having so many costly items to stock. These medium belt slide holsters will properly fit most of the popular medium sized automatics.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 672352007411
Class: Holsters
Make: Molded
Series: Automatic Slide Holster - Medium
Color: Black
Material: Leather
Size: Medium
Model: Right
Finish: Molded
Gun Model: Kahr K40/K9/P40/P45/P9
Other Models: 1911 3"-5" Barrel; Kel-Tec P11/PF9; Walther P22
Mount Type: Slide
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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