Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick Detach Black [420168]

Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick De
Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick De
Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick De
Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick De
Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick De

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  • Model: 420168
  • MPN: 420168
  • UPC: 000381102683

Burris AR-QD Pivot Ring Xtra High 1in Dia Quick Detach Black [420168] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Optic Accessories including Rings And Adaptors. Browse our selection of Rings And Adaptors Optics

The AR-QD Pivot Ring quickly and easily mounts the AR-Tripler inline behind non-magnified optics. For close quarters shooting, just flip to the side with a push of the button. To engage targets at longer distances, flip the AR-Tripler to its upright position and it automatically locks into place. A Quick Detach (QD) mount makes installation a snap.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 000381102683
MPN: 420168
Class: Rings And Adaptors
Make: AR-QD
Series: Pivot Ring
Size: 1"
Height: Extra High
Finish: Black
Style: Weaver and Picatinny
Style Description: Tactical
One or Two Piece: 1
Adaptor Type: Quick Detach
Mount Type: Quick Detach
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