Butchs Cleaning Supplies Triple Twill Patches Patches 22-2701000 Caliber /Pk [02901]

Butchs Cleaning Supplies Triple Twill Patches Patc

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Butchs Cleaning Supplies Triple Twill Patches Patches 22-2701000 Caliber /Pk [02901]
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  • Model: 02901
  • MPN: 02901
  • UPC: 044717029015

Butchs Cleaning Supplies Triple Twill Patches Patches 22-2701000 Caliber /Pk [02901] - Shop Ammo Freedom for an excellent selection of gun care products, cleaning suppplies and kits.

Butch's Triple Twill Patches are high quality and hold more liquid and remove fouling faster than ordinary cotton flannel patches. Its special weave has hundreds of tiny ridges and drop zones which scrub and capture fouling residues far better than other patches. Butch's Triple Twill patches don't shed lint and have been specially treated for maximum absorbency.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 044717029015
MPN: 02901
Class: Cleaning And Restoration
Make: Triple Twill Patches
Series: Patches
Size: 22-270 Cal
Quantity: 1000 Bag
Length: 1.12"
Suitable For: Firearms
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