Caldwell Orange Peel Targets Bullseye 5.5in [555-050]

Caldwell Orange Peel Targets Bullseye 5.5in 50-Pac
Caldwell Orange Peel Targets Bullseye 5.5in 50-Pac
Caldwell Orange Peel Targets Bullseye 5.5in 50-Pac

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  • Model: 555050
  • MPN: 555-050
  • UPC: 661120550501

Caldwell Orange Peel Targets Bullseye 5.5in [555-050] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Shooting Supplies and Targets. Browse our selection of Targets and more.

Caldwell's Orange Peel Targets let you see hits on and off the bullseye with dual-color, flake-off technology that makes your hits look like colorful explosions. If your shot happens to miss the bullseye, you know exactly where your bullet strayed instantly. To make things even easier, the vibrant contrasting colors make the target stick out like a sore thumb with any background, even at long distances. Orange Peel targets are available in bullseye or sighting-in style targets and in multiple sizes.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 661120550501
MPN: 555050
Class: Targets
Make: Orange Peel
Series: Targets
Size: 5.5"
Quantity: 50 Pack
Material: Paper
Illustration: Bullseye
Ammo Type: Centerfire
Auto Resetting: No
Impact Enhancement: Yes
Enhancement Color: Self-Adhesive
Mount Type: Self-Adhesive
Target Color: Orange/Black
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