Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10 Rounds Stainless [15150]

Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10
Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10

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Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10 Rounds Stainless [15150]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 15150
  • MPN: 15150
  • UPC: 705263151505

Chip McCormick Magazine Colt 1911 Power 45 ACP 10 Rounds Stainless [15150] - Shop Ammo Freedom for an excellent selection of Chip McCormick clips and magazines. Find magazines and accessories for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Chip McCormick's original 10-round design was hugely successful due to its sleek, compact design and reliability. If you liked the original 10 round magazines you'll love the Power 10. The Power 10 magazine is designed to incorporate an additional three (3) coils of the aerospace grade rocket wire spring. This huge increase in spring power advances the reliability and service life of the Power 10 to a whole new level. The redesigned integral base pad/base plate and shroud is completely removable for convenient cleaning and maintenance. Also available in 8 round capacity.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 705263151505
MPN: 15150
Class: Magazines And Accessories
Make: 1911 Power Mag
Series: Magazine
Capacity: 10
Finish: Stainless Steel
Model: 1911 Power Mag
Material: Stainless Steel
Type: Detachable
Model Fit: 1911
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