Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser Adaptor QR 1in Diam Polymer Black [PL2]

Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A
Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A
Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A
Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A
Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A
Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser A

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  • Model: PL2
  • MPN: PL2
  • UPC: 814716010051

Command Firearm Parts Picatinny Flashlight/Laser Adaptor QR 1in Diam Polymer Black [PL2] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to s

This Picatinny Rail-Mounted Flashlight/Laser Adaptor provides quick and secure mounting of a flashlight or laser to a Picatinny rail for hands-free illumination or laser usage. The black polymer Quick Detach mount features a combat proven design in use by military worldwide. It slides and locks securely on a Picatinny rail using dual, spring-loaded finger release rail locks with a C-clamp mechanism to tighten securely around light or laser. No gunsmithing required.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 814716010051
Class: Firearm Parts
Make: Picatinny Flashlight/Laser
Series: Adaptor
Model: Quick Release
Finish: 1.9" L x 1.7" W x 2.25" H
Size: 1"
Material: Polymer
Hammer Type: Black
: 1"
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