CVA Quake Claw Contour Rifle Sling Black [53000-8]

CVA Quake Claw Contour Rifle Sling Black [53000-8]

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CVA Quake Claw Contour Rifle Sling Black [53000-8]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 530008
  • MPN: 53000-8
  • UPC: 727703530008

CVA Quake Claw Contour Rifle Sling Black [53000-8] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Accessories and Slings. Browse our selection of Slings and more.

The claw rifle sling utilizes the latest in soft touch materials. The durable, non slip polymer pad is molded directly onto the sling webbing and will allow approximately 1/2" of stretch. As an added value, the claw rifle sling comes with patented hush stalker II sling swivels which will not squeak, rust or rattle, and are 2 1/2 times stronger and lighter than conventional metal swivels. These swivels fit all standard studs and will not dent or mar the finish on your stock.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 727703530008
MPN: 530008
Class: Slings
Make: Rifle Slings
Series: Claw
Swivel Size: Universal
Length: Adjustable
Color: Black
Material: Nylon Webbing
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