DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 35-Piece [UGC76C]

DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3
DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3
DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3
DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3
DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3
DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 3

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DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 35-Piece [UGC76C]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: UGC76C
  • MPN: UGC76C
  • UPC: 761903368740

DAC Cleaning Kits Universal Deluxe Gun Alum Case 35-Piece [UGC76C] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Gun Care Supplies and Cleaning Kits. Browse our selection of Cleaning Kits and more.

The Deluxe Universal Gun Cleaning Kit by DAC Technologies contains: two sets of three solid brass rods, one handle, 10 bore brushes (.17cal-.45cal and 410/20/12ga), 6 mops (.17cal, .22cal, .38/.357/9mm, 410, 20 and 12ga), two brass brush adaptors, one handle adaptor, two slot tips for patches, 6 jags, and 50 cleaning patches. This model is packaged in an aluminum case.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 761903368740
Class: Cleaning Kits
Make: Deluxe Universal
Series: Gun Cleaning Kit 35 Pieces
Size: 1 Kit
Pieces: 35
Bristle Type: Brass
Includes: Aluminum Case
Case Material: Brass
Caliber or Gauge: Universal
Bore Diameter Start: .172
Bore Diameter End: .729
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