Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]

Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]
Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]
Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]
Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]
Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]
Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]

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  • Model: M44BJO2Z0
  • MPN: M44BJO2Z0
  • UPC: 792695275374

Desantis Black Rubberized Fabric [M44BJO2Z0]

Super Fly's exclusive sticky rubberized fabric is even more viscous than the Nemesis. A removable, reversible outer flap was added to even further disguise the firearm. This pocket holster will absolutely not move out of position in your pocket. The inside is made of slick pack cloth for a low friction draw and is reinforced with added polymer in the right places. Back or front pocket design.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 792695275374
Class: Holsters
Make: Super Fly
Series: Black
Color: Black
Material: Rubberized Fabric
Model: Ambidextrous
Finish: Textured
Gun Model: S&W J Frame 2"
Mount Type: Pocket
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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