Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]

Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]
Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]
Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]
Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]
Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0]

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  • Model: 110BJR7Z0
  • MPN: 110BJR7Z0
  • UPC: 792695310198

Desantis Pocket Shot Black Leather [110BJR7Z0] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Holsters. Browse our selection of Pocket Holster and more.

The Pocket Shot is the latest way to conceal and rapidly access your small auto. The #110 disguises itself as a wallet but can be brought into action instantly without removing the gun. It's made of black leather, is ambidextrous, and will carry several different 380 and 32 autos such as Colt Mustang, Pony Pocketlite, Kahr P380, Ruger LCP, Sig P238, and Taurus 738 TCP.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 792695310198
MPN: 110BJR7Z0
Class: Holsters
Make: Pocket Shot
Series: Black
Color: Black
Material: Leather
Model: Ambidextrous
Finish: Smooth
Gun Model: Colt Mustang/Pocketlite/Pony; Kahr P380
Other Models: Ruger LCP380; Sig P238/P238 Equinox
Mount Type: Pocket
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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