Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers 18 Slot Polymer Black [4379BK]

Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers
Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers
Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers
Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers
Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers
Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers

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  • Model: 4379BK
  • MPN: 4379BK
  • UPC: 874748005463

Ergo Firearm Parts Textured Slim Line Rail Covers 18 Slot Polymer Black [4379BK] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship. Dai

Ergo Grips Textured Slim Line rail covers are made to protect the shooter, rails and other gear from damage and feature Rhino Hide texturing to provide a great grip. Made from Santoprene, Textured Slim Line rail covers fully cover Picatinny rails with the lowest, most comfortable profile possible. They can easily be trimmed for a custom fit.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 874748005463
MPN: 4379BK
Class: Firearm Parts
Make: Textured Slim Line
Series: Rail Covers
Model: 18 Slot
Finish: Black
Size: 18 Slot
Material: Polymer
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