Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL42ND]

Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL4
Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL4
Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL4
Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL4
Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL4

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  • Model: GL42ND
  • MPN: GL42ND
  • UPC: 676315033769

Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL42ND] - Fobus Evolution Paddle Glock 42 Polymer Black [GL42ND]

The Evolution series is the next step in the advancement of holster development. A tension adjustment screw is incorporated to allow the user to customize the ease of presentation and the security of retention, functioning with the proven FOBUS passive retention design. The E2 series features one-piece holster body construction, and like all FOBUS Holsters, the Evolution, is lightweight and includes steel reinforced rivet attachment and a protective sight channel. The paddle also includes a rubberized insert to provide both comfort and stability.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 676315033769
Class: Holsters
Make: Evolution
Series: Paddle
Color: Black
Material: Polymer
Model: Right
Finish: Smooth
Gun Model: Glock 42
Mount Type: Paddle
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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