Galco Concealed Carry 400B Fits Belt Width 1-1.75in Black Leather [CCP400B]

Galco Concealed Carry 400B Fits Belt Width 1-1.75i
Galco Concealed Carry 400B Fits Belt Width 1-1.75i
Galco Concealed Carry 400B Fits Belt Width 1-1.75i

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  • Model: CCP400B
  • MPN: CCP400B
  • UPC: 601299194335

Galco Concealed Carry 400B Fits Belt Width 1-1.75in Black Leather [CCP400B] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Holsters. Browse our selection of Paddle Holster and more.

The Galco CCP (Concealed Carry Paddle) is widely considered to be the finest professional carry paddle holster in existence. The CCP offers all the features expected in a modern defensive holster: open top, secure retention, combat grip accessibility, and covered trigger guard. It adds the convenience of Galco's unsurpassed adjustable paddle design, with unlimited range of holster angle options. Whether your choice is FBI-forward cant, barrel forward cant, or neutral (vertical) cant, a single turn of a screw allows precise adjustment to your preferred angle of carry. The option of crossdraw carry while you are in an automobile, or for everyday use, is also just a screw turn away. Their patented paddle grips the inside of the waistband and underside of the belt, and is adjustable for belts of different widths. If you need an open-top paddle holster with variable cant, this is it. Constructed of premium saddle leather, the CCP fits belts up to 1.75". Made for semiautomatic pistols, the CCP is available in in a havana brown or black finish.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 601299194335
Class: Holsters
Make: Concealed Carry
Series: Paddle
Color: Black
Material: Leather
Model: Right
Finish: Smooth
Gun Model: HK USP Compact 9/40
Mount Type: Paddle
Belt Size: Pistol
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1
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