Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Center Cut Steerh [PDL160B]

Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen
Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen
Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen
Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen
Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen
Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Cen

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  • Model: PDL160B
  • MPN: PDL160B
  • UPC: 601299116078

Galco Paddle Lite Fits Belt Width 1.75in Black Center Cut Steerh [PDL160B]

Galco's Paddle Lite holster fuses some of the best features of the successful Carry Lite series. Its paddle design and center cut steerhide construction, makes this holster an ideal concealed, comfortable, and a efficient holster. The paddle is made of Galco's patented belt-lock copolymer and is secure, easy to remove, and can be replace without removing the belt. The Paddle Lite holster has an butt-forward cant and offers both good concealment and fast, easy draw.This model has a black finish and is compatible with: Charter Arms Bulldog Pug .44 2.5", Undercover 2"; Colt Agent Revolver, Cobra 2" (PRE-2017), Detective Speical 2"; Ruger SP101 2.25"; S&W J-Frame 36 2", 60 2.125" .357/38, 642, 649 Bodyguard 2", 340PD, 640 Centennial 2.125" .357/38, Bodyguard 38; Taurus 85 2", 85 Titanium 2", 85CH 2".

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 601299116078
Class: Holsters
Make: Paddle Lite
Series: Lite
Color: Black
Material: Steerhide Center Cut
Model: Right
Finish: Smooth
Gun Model: S&W J Frame
Mount Type: Slide
Belt Size: Handgun
Gun Type: Handgun
Compartments: 1
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