Grovtec Firearm Parts Hammer Extension Horizontal Winchester 94/Henry 22 [GTHM68]

Grovtec Firearm Parts Hammer Extension Horizontal

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Grovtec Firearm Parts Hammer Extension Horizontal Winchester 94/Henry 22 [GTHM68]
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  • Model: GTHM68
  • MPN: GTHM68
  • UPC: 895474001680

Adding a horizontal extension to the hammer provides a larger contact surface and outstanding grip and control. Especially useful on scoped firearms where clearance can become an issue, GrovTec hammer extensions are made with the finest materials and finish in the industry. It can be mounted on the right or left side. Each hammer extension is specific to the firearms it fits. Do not use any hammer extension on a firearm not directly specified in the hammer extensions fit list.

UPC: 895474001680
Brand: Grovtec

Department: Firearm Parts » Hammer Extension » Horizontal

Grovtec Firearm Parts Hammer Extension Horizontal Winchester 94/Henry 22 [GTHM68]

Type: Hammer Extension
Model: Winchester/Henry
Finish: Black
Size: Winchester 94/Henry 22
Material: Steel
Application: Easy Cocking

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