Hexmag Magazine AR-15 30 Rounds Gray Finish [HX30ARGRY]

Hexmag Magazine AR-15 30 Rounds Gray Finish [HX30A
Hexmag Magazine AR-15 30 Rounds Gray Finish [HX30A
Hexmag Magazine AR-15 30 Rounds Gray Finish [HX30A
Hexmag Magazine AR-15 30 Rounds Gray Finish [HX30A

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  • Model: HX30ARGRY
  • UPC: 085992200737

Hexmag Magazine AR-15 Gray Finish [HX30ARGRY] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your magazines and accessories. Find magazines and accessories for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

The Hex Series 2, 30rd magazine is ideal for any sport, competitor or tactical shooter demanding superior strength, proven reliability and exceptional value. Features include- redesigned feed lip geometry to maximize strength and versatility, stripper clip guides for faster reloading and deep catch pocket for rock-solid stability. One of the industry's only true tool-less designs for easy floorplate removal allowing field cleaning and HexID color customization. Incorporates accessories including Hexmag Grip Tape and Sentry HexID Color Ammunition Identification System. Use with calibers- .223/5.56x45mm, .300AAC Blackout, .458 SOCOM, .50 Beowulf and more. Used with rifles- AR-15s, SCAR 16, IWI Tavor, CZ Bren, Beretta ARX 100 and more.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 085992200737
Class: Magazines And Accessories
Make: Series 2
Series: AR-15 Magazine
Capacity: 30
Finish: Gray
Model: Series 2
Material: Composite
Type: Replacement
Model Fit: AR15
Brand Fit: AR-15 Platform
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