HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redhawk/Spr Redhawk, Ancnda [29M]

HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redh
HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redh
HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redh
HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redh
HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redh

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HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redhawk/Spr Redhawk, Ancnda [29M]
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  • Model: 29M
  • MPN: 29M
  • UPC: 088652000296

HKS 44Mag 6 Rounds SW29/629; DW; Raging Bull; Redhawk/Spr Redhawk, Ancnda [29M]

With one slight twist, the HKS Speed Loader instantly leads all six cartridges into nearly any revolver. Strong metal points hold cartridges securely in the loader until you release them into the revolver with a turn of the speed loader knob.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 088652000296
MPN: 29M
Class: Holders And Accessories
Make: Speedloader
Series: Revolver
Color: Black
Material: Metal
Size: S&W 29/629; DanW; RgrRdHk,SprRdHk; CltAnac; Trs44
Model: M
Finish: Smooth
Mount Type: Slide
Shell Count: 44 Remington Magnum/44 Special
Caliber or Gauge: 44 Remington Magnum/44 Special
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