Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Black Rubber [18000]

Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac
Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac
Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac
Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac
Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac
Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Blac

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  • Model: 18000
  • MPN: 18000
  • UPC: 743108180006

Hogue HandALL Jr. Slip-On Grip Small Textured Black Rubber [18000] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Firearm Accessories including Grips And Recoil Pads. Browse our selection of grips, recoid pads and

The HandAll Grip Sleeve are scientifically designed and patented with a unique shape that hugs the contours of your firearm giving them the tightest and most secure fit possible. Features include: proportioned finger grooves, cobblestone texture, ambidextrous palm swells. HandAll grip sleeves are easily installed and provide years of dependable service.This Jr. model has a black finish and is compatible with most 22, 25, 38 pistols.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 743108180006
MPN: 18000
Class: Grips And Recoil Pads
Make: HandAll Jr.
Series: Small Size Grip Sleeve
Model: HandAll Jr.
Finish: Textured
Material: Rubber
Color: Black
Medallion: No
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