Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UACPR]

Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UA
Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UA
Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UA
Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UA

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Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UACPR]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: UACPR
  • UPC: 026285000122

Hoppes Cleaning Kits 37-Piece w/Stainless Case [UACPR] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Gun Care Supplies and Cleaning Kits. Browse our selection of Cleaning Kits and more.

Hoppes Premium Cleaning Kit includes three, three piece rods with handle assemblies for 17 caliber, 22 caliber rifles and up and shotguns. 10 phosphor bronze brushes for 12, 20 and 28 gauge , .410 bore, .44/45, .38, .40/10mm, .22 and .17 calibers. Six swabs for 12, 20 and 28 gauge, .410 bore, .280/.32 and .22/.270 calibers. Nine jags for calibers .17/.20, .22/.243/6mm, .25/6.5mm, .270/7mm, .30/8mm, .375/.40, .416 to .44, .45 and 338 to 9mm. Four slotted ends to fit most calibers. Three utility brushes: nylon, phosphate bronze and stainless steel. Two round receiver brushes for .45 caliber and 12 gauge. Shotgun and pistol adaptable.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026285000122
Class: Cleaning Kits
Make: Premium Cleaning Kit
Series: Cleaning Kit
Size: 1 Kit
Pieces: 37
Bristle Type: Bronze
Includes: Cleaning Rods/Tips/Wire Brush
Tip Features: Slotted
Caliber or Gauge: Multi-Caliber
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