Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .40/.41 Caliber Pistol [24003]

Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .4
Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .4
Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .4
Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .4

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  • Model: 24003
  • MPN: 24003
  • UPC: 026285240030

Hoppes Cleaning Supplies BoreSnake Bore Cleaner .40/.41 Caliber Pistol [24003] - Shop Ammo Freedom for an excellent selection of gun care products, cleaning suppplies and kits.

Hoppe's BoreSnake is the world's quickest three-step bore shine cleaner. One pass loosens large particles, scrubs out the remaining residue with a bronze brush, then swabs it all spotless with a cleaning area 160x larger than a standard patch.This model is compatible with .40/.41 cal pistols.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026285240030
MPN: 24003
Class: Cleaning And Restoration
Make: BoreSnake
Series: One Piece Cleaner
Size: .40/.41 Cal Handgun
Quantity: 1
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