Hornady Reloading Bullets Frontier Lead 38 Caliber .357 158 Grain LRN [10508]

Hornady Reloading Bullets Frontier Lead 38 Caliber

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Hornady Reloading Bullets Frontier Lead 38 Caliber .357 158 Grain LRN 300 Per Box [10508]
  • 99+ inventory

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 10508
  • MPN: 10508
  • UPC: 090255105087

Hornady Reloading Bullets Frontier Lead 38 Caliber .357 158 Grain LRN [10508] - Ammo Freedom carries hornady reloading bullets and reloading supplies. Find hornady reloading for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Hornady Frontier lead pistol bullets are pre-lubricated and cold-swaged for total uniformity and balance. Its exclusive knurling system retains lubricant over the entire bearing surface to reduce leading in your barrel. The traditional conical and flat designs have perfect symmetry when combined with knurling at the base of the bullet, delivering increased stability and accuracy.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 090255105087
MPN: 10508
Class: Reloading Bullets
Make: Frontier
Series: Lead
Bullet Diameter: .357
Weight: 158 GR
Bullet Caliber: 38 Caliber
Coefficient: 0.176
Sectional Density: 0.176
Quantity: 300
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