Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Universal #16 [392616]

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer
Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer
Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer
Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer
Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer
Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Univer

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Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Universal #16 [392616]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 392616
  • MPN: 392616
  • UPC: 090255926163

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Shell Plate 1 Universal #16 [392616] - Ammo Freedom carries hornady reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find Hornady rifle casing for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

These Hornady unprimed cases have tight wall concentricity. Concentricity helps to ensure proper bullet seating in both the case and the chamber of your firearm. Higher concentricity also aids in a uniform release of the bullet on firing, for optimal velocity and accuracy. The cases have uniform wall thickness vital to accuracy. Every single Hornady case, regardless of the lot in which it was produced, is virtually identical to other Hornady cases in the same caliber. This means consistent pressures, velocity, and accuracy every time.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 090255926163
MPN: 392616
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Weatherby Mag
Series: Rifle Casing
Size: #16
Quantity: 1
Compatible With: Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Press
Material: Universal
Capacity: 5
Finish: Silver
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