Hornady Reloading Dial Caliper Steel [050075]

Hornady Reloading Dial Caliper Steel [050075]

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Hornady Reloading Dial Caliper Steel [050075]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 050075
  • MPN: 050075
  • UPC: 090255050752

Precisely measure case and bullet length, inside and outside diameters, primer pocket depth, overall cartridge length, and more with Hornadys Dial Caliper. A protective case is included.

MPN: 050075
UPC: 090255050752
Brand: Hornady

Department: Reloading Accessories » Dial Caliper » Steel

Hornady Reloading Dial Caliper Steel [050075]

Type: Caliper
Caliber: Universal
Quantity: 1
Function: Measure
Material: Steel
Finish: Silver
Micrometer Type: Dial
Application: Reloading

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