Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Comparator Set of 6 All Calibers [B234]

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Comparator Set of 6

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  • Model: B234
  • MPN: B234
  • UPC: 090255704051

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Comparator Set of 6 All Calibers [B234] - Ammo Freedom carries hornady reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find Hornady comparator set of 6 for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Measuring cartridge lengths across the bullets tips is not as reliable method for measuring your loaded rounds. It's common for variations of up to .025" to exist from one round to the next. Hornady's bullet comparator solves that problem by measuring rounds from a reliable surface on the bullet, the ogive, precise measurements of your rounds. Hornady's Bullet Comparator attaches to the blade of your caliper with a thumbscrew and uses interchangeable insert bushings to measure from the bullet ogive. These bushings are available in fourteen sizes from .17 caliber to .45 caliber.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 090255704051
MPN: B234
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Lock-N-Load
Series: Comparator Set of 6
Size: All Calibers
Quantity: Set of 6
Weight: 1 lb
Function: Improve Accuracy
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