Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Die Bushings 2-Pack [044094]

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Die Bushings 2-Pack

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Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Die Bushings 2-Pack [044094]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 044094
  • MPN: 044094
  • UPC: 090255440942

Lock-N-Load bushings are the easiest way to get the most out of your reloading press. Hornadys Lock-N-Load quick change bushing system is strong and simple to use. The Lock-N-Load concept is based on the positive locking action of the bolt action rifle. Once dies are adjusted for loading, these settings are locked in place on the die bushing with the dies lock ring. By keeping the die in the die bushing, it remains set for future loading and removal with a simple twist. These bushings also will fit other reloading presses using a 1-1/4 12 thread.

MPN: 044094
UPC: 090255440942
Brand: Hornady

Department: Reloading Accessories » Lock-N-Load » Die Bushings

Hornady Reloading Lock-N-Load Die Bushings [044094]

Type: Die Bushings
Size: N/A

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