Hornady Reloading One Shot Tumbling Media 76oz Ground Corn Cob [050303]

Hornady Reloading One Shot Tumbling Media 76oz Gro

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Hornady Reloading One Shot Tumbling Media 76oz Ground Corn Cob [050303]
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  • Model: 050303
  • MPN: 050303
  • UPC: 090255503036

Clean up your cases with the Hornady One Shot Tumbler Media. This media is made of ground corn cob for use in a case tumbler. The abrasive media removes tarnish and other residue from cartridge cases. Use with One Shot Metal Polish for a shiny, like-new finish.

MPN: 050303
UPC: 090255503036
Brand: Hornady

Department: Reloading Accessories » One Shot » Media Tumbler

Hornady Reloading One Shot Tumbling Media 76oz Ground Corn Cob [050303]

Type: Tumbling Media
Quantity: 1
Weight: 76 oz
Function: Clean Cases
Compatible With: One Shot Tumbler
Material: Ground Corn Cob
Application: Cleaner

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