Hornady Reloading Stuck Case Remover 1 Set Universal [050033]

Hornady Reloading Stuck Case Remover 1 Set Univers

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Hornady Reloading Stuck Case Remover 1 Set Universal [050033]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 050033
  • MPN: 050033
  • UPC: 090255500332

Hornadys Stuk Case Removers ingenious design allows you to easily remove stuck cases from dies by drilling and tapping the stuck case, then, using the stuck case remover tool and allen wrench to easily unstick the case. It consists of #7 drill and 1/4 inch-20 tap.

MPN: 050033
UPC: 090255500332
Brand: Hornady

Department: Reloading Accessories » Stuck Case » Remover

Hornady Reloading Stuck Case Remover 1 Set Universal [050033]

Type: Stuck Case Remover
Caliber: Universal
Quantity: 1 Set
Function: Case Remover

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