Hunters Specialties Turkey Pattern Targets [06850]

Hunters Specialties Turkey Pattern Targets 12-Pack

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Hunters Specialties Turkey Pattern Targets 12-Pack [06850]
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  • Model: 06850
  • MPN: 06850
  • UPC: 021291068500

Hunters Specialties Turkey Pattern Targets [06850] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Shooting Supplies and Targets. Browse our selection of Targets and more.

Turkey hunters can pattern shotguns and practice their shot with these targets. Each 11x11" color target replicates a turkey at 30 yards. Each target has printed instructions on how to determine a shotgun's maximum range, plus spaces for information such as yardage, number of hits, shot size and ammo specifications. Includes 12 targets.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 021291068500
MPN: 06850
Class: Targets
Make: Turkey
Series: Pattern
Size: 11" x 11"
Quantity: 12 Pack
Material: Paper
Illustration: Turkey
Ammo Type: .22-.50
Auto Resetting: No
Impact Enhancement: None
Enhancement Color: Hanging
Mount Type: Hanging
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