Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]

Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]
Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]
Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]
Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]

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  • Model: PF9480
  • MPN: PF9480
  • UPC: 640832001877

Factory steel clip attaches to your Kel-Tec pistol and allows for concealed carry in your belt or waistband, without the need for a holster. Attaches with punch pins to your pistols frame; all necessary hardware is included, Blued.

MPN: PF9480
UPC: 640832001877
Brand: Kel-Tec

Department: Firearm Parts » Belt Clips » Various

Kel-Tec Firearm Parts P-32 Belt Clips [PF9480]

Type: Belt Clip
Model: PF9
Finish: Black
Size: Universal
Material: Steel

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