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Strike Magazine AR-15 Catch 6061-T6 Blue [AR-SMC-BLU] $16.59
Strike Magazine AR-15 Catch 6061-T6 Blue [AR-SMC-BStrike Magazine AR-15 Catch 6061-T6 Blue [AR-SMC-BLU]    1
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 140 Grain 100 Per Box [26414] $65.89
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 140 Grain 100 PerBerger Reloading Bullets Target 140 Grain 100 Per Box [26414]    1
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 105 Grain 100 Per Box [24433] $54.19
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 105 Grain 100 PerBerger Reloading Bullets Target 105 Grain 100 Per Box [24433]    1
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 180 Grain 100 Per Box [28407] $71.49
Berger Reloading Bullets Target 180 Grain 100 PerBerger Reloading Bullets Target 180 Grain 100 Per Box [28407]    1
Winchester Ammo Best Value 38 Special 130 Grain FMJ 100 Rounds [USA38SPVP] $47.99
Winchester Ammo Best Value 38 Special 130 Grain FMWinchester Ammo Best Value 38 Special 130 Grain FMJ 100 Rounds [USA38SPVP]    9
Brenneke Shotshells Green Lightning 12 Gauge 2.75in 1-1/4oz Slug 5 Rounds [1207825] $10.59
Brenneke Shotshells Green Lightning 12 Gauge 2.75iBrenneke Shotshells Green Lightning 12 Gauge 2.75in 1-1/4oz Slug 5 Rounds [1207825]    1
Browning Shotshells TSS Tungsten 20 Gauge 3in 1-1/2oz #7-Shot 5 Rounds [B193922037] $50.09
Browning Shotshells TSS Tungsten 20 Gauge 3in 1-1/Browning Shotshells TSS Tungsten 20 Gauge 3in 1-1/2oz #7-Shot 5 Rounds [B193922037]    1
Sig Sauer Ammo Elite V-Crown JHP 45 ACP 230 Grain JHP 50 Rounds [E45AP2-50] $42.99
Sig Sauer Ammo Elite V-Crown JHP 45 ACP 230 GrainSig Sauer Ammo Elite V-Crown JHP 45 ACP 230 Grain JHP 50 Rounds [E45AP2-50]    9
Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4oz #5-Shot 10 Rounds [C123TK505] $12.09
Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4oz #5-Shot 10 Rounds [C123TK505]    1
Federal Ammo American Eagle 45 ACP Metal Case 230 Grain 50 Rounds [AE45A] $26.99
Federal Ammo American Eagle 45 ACP Metal Case 230Federal Ammo American Eagle 45 ACP Metal Case 230 Grain 50 Rounds [AE45A]    9
Federal Ammo Range and Target 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ 50 Rounds [RTP45230] $19.59
Federal Ammo Range and Target 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJFederal Ammo Range and Target 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ 50 Rounds [RTP45230]    1
Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4oz #4-Shot 10 Rounds [C123TK504] $12.09
Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4Kent Shotshells Ultimate Turkey 12 Gauge 3in 1-3/4oz #4-Shot 10 Rounds [C123TK504]    1

Sub-Total: $430.58

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