Lee Factory Crimp Pistol Die 9mm Luger [90860]

Lee Factory Crimp Pistol Die 9mm Luger [90860]

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Lee Factory Crimp Pistol Die 9mm Luger [90860]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 90860
  • MPN: 90860
  • UPC: 734307908607

Lee Factory Crimp Pistol Die 9mm Luger [90860] - Ammo Freedom carries lee reloading supplies and dies. Find Lee factory crimp die for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Lee's Carbide Factory Crimp Die sizes the cartridge while being crimped so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. The adjusting screw quickly and easily sets the desired amount of crimp. A firm crimp is essential for dependable and accurate ammunition, as it eliminates the problems of poor ignition of slow burning magnum powders.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 734307908607
MPN: 90860
Class: Dies
Make: Carbide
Series: Crimp Die
Die Type: Crimp
In Set: 1
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