Lee Reloading Case Length Gauge w/Shell Holder 260 Remington [90993]

Lee Reloading Case Length Gauge w/Shell Holder 260

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Lee Reloading Case Length Gauge w/Shell Holder 260 Remington [90993]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!

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  • Model: 90993
  • MPN: 90993
  • UPC: 734307909932

After a case has been loaded a few times, it will stretch beyond maximum length and must be trimmed. The case length gauge (pilot) and shell holder must be ordered as case length gauge and shell holder for each caliber.

MPN: 90993
UPC: 734307909932
Brand: Lee

Department: Reloading Accessories » Case Length Gauge » with Shell Holder

Lee Reloading Case Length Gauge w/Shell Holder 260 Remington [90993]

Type: Case Length Gauge w/Shell Holder
Caliber: 260 Remington
Quantity: 2 Piece

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