Lee Reloading Lube & Sizing Kit One Kit .452 7/8x14 Threads [90055]

Lee Reloading Lube & Sizing Kit One Kit .452 7

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  • Model: 90055
  • MPN: 90055
  • UPC: 734307900557

Lee Reloading Lube & Sizing Kit One Kit .452 7/8x14 Threads [90055] - Ammo Freedom carries lee reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find Lee kit for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Lee's Lube & Size Kit allows you to lubricate and size cast bullets. It can also seat and crimp gas checks. Intended for use on single stage presses only, the sizer die has standard 7/8 x 14 threads. Bullets are pushed through the sizing die nose first, so no special nose punches are needed. (Push through punch is used in place of a shell holder in the ram.) Sized bullets are captured in a special container. For cast bullets, select a sizing kit to be .001" larger than groove diameter. Kit contains sizer box, sizer punch, and sizer die, and instructions. NOTE: Lee Liquid Alox and press sold separately.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 734307900557
MPN: 90055
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: New Lube & Size
Series: Kit
Size: 7/8"x14 Threads
Quantity: 1 Kit
Weight: 0.95 lb
Function: Size Bullet
Compatible With: Single Stage Presses
Material: Steel
Includes: Sizer Die/Punch/Case
Finish: Silver
Media Type: Cast Bullets
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