Lee Reloading Mold DC 000 Buckshot w/Holder12 70 Grain 1 [90192]

Lee Reloading Mold DC 000 Buckshot w/Holder12 70 G

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Lee Reloading Mold DC 000 Buckshot w/Holder12 70 Grain 1 [90192]
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  • Model: 90192
  • MPN: 90192
  • UPC: 734307901929

Lee Reloading Mold DC 000 Buckshot w/Holder12 70 Grain 1 [90192] - Ammo Freedom carries lee reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find Lee 000 buckshot with holder for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

000 Buckshot precision-machined mold produces 18 linked pellets per cast. .360 diameter, 70 grains weight. Each cast produces enough pellets to load two 12 Gauge shotshells. It easily casts 3,000 pellets per hour.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 734307901929
MPN: 90192
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Mold
Series: 000 Buckshot with Holder
Size: 70 gr
Quantity: 1
Weight: 1.18 lbs
Function: Mold Projectiles
Material: Wood/Steel
Capacity: 2 Bullets
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