Lee Reloading Powder Measure Each Poly/Steel Red/Black [90058]

Lee Reloading Powder Measure Each Poly/Steel Red/B

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Lee Reloading Powder Measure Each Poly/Steel Red/Black [90058]
  • 99+ inventory

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  • Model: 90058
  • MPN: 90058
  • UPC: 734307900588

Lee Reloading Powder Measure Each Poly/Steel Red/Black [90058] - Ammo Freedom carries lee reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find Lee measure for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Lee's Perfect Powder Measure is best for reloading rifle cases, but can also be used for pistol cases. It throws charges from 2 to more than 100 grains. The Perfect Powder Measure eliminates cut powder and jerky action. A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. You'll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of charges. It has a micrometer adjuster that reads directly in cubic centimeters, so multiply the charge in grains by the cc for one grain and you have the setting. The body is molded from engineering grade polymer. A free sturdy steel stand is included with each measure.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 734307900588
MPN: 90058
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Perfect Powder
Series: Measure
Size: Black/Red
Quantity: 1
Weight: .5 lbs
Function: Standard
Compatible With: Nylon,Steel
Material: Perfect Powder
Includes: Hopper/Measure
Capacity: .5 Pounds of powder
Media Capacity: .5 Pounds of powder
Finish: Black/Red
Media Type: Powder
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