Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Front Base Matte Black [50018]

Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Fron
Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Fron
Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Fron
Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Fron

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Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Front Base Matte Black [50018]
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  • Model: 50018
  • MPN: 50018
  • UPC: 030317500184

Leupold 2-Piece Base Remington 700 Reversible Front Base Matte Black [50018] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Optic Accessories and Bases. Browse our selection of BSREM and more.

For maximum accessibility to the magazine or breech area of your rifle, STD 2-piece bases are worth a look. Fluted for a "custom look", these bases are also ideal if you're after greater flexibility when it comes to mounting options for your bolt action rifle. Reversible bases are available for many actions, accommodating a variety of scopes and action lengths. Additionally, STD 2-piece bases fit right hand and left hand actions.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 030317500184
MPN: 50018
Class: Bases
Make: Standard
Series: Standard Mount
Model: Standard
Style: Reversible Front
Finish: Black Matte
Material: Steel
Pieces: 2
Gun Type: Rifle
Length: No
Rings Included: No
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