Lyman Reloading Turbo 1200 Pro Turbo Tumbler 1 Holds 2lbs of Media [7631318]

Lyman Reloading Turbo 1200 Pro Turbo Tumbler 1 Hol
Lyman Reloading Turbo 1200 Pro Turbo Tumbler 1 Hol
Lyman Reloading Turbo 1200 Pro Turbo Tumbler 1 Hol

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  • Model: 7631318
  • MPN: 7631318
  • UPC: 011516813183

Lyman Reloading Turbo 1200 Pro Turbo Tumbler 1 Holds 2lbs of Media [7631318] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Reloading Supplies and Reloading Accessories. Browse our selection of Reloading and more.

The 1200 Pro features the same capacity as Lyman's standard 1200 model. The built-in sifter lid allows for quick and easy media separation and saves you the cost of a separate media sifter. It holds 2 lbs. of media and will clean up to 350 cases per cycle.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 011516813183
MPN: 7631318
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: 1200 Pro
Series: Turbo Tumbler
Size: Holds 2 lbs of Media
Quantity: 1
Weight: 8 lb
Function: Clean Cases
Capacity: 2lbs
Media Capacity: 2lbs
Finish: Orange
Media Type: Dry
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