Magpul CTR Mil-Spec AR-15 Polymer Flat Dark Earth [MAG310-FDE]

Magpul CTR Mil-Spec AR-15 Polymer Flat Dark Earth

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Magpul CTR Mil-Spec AR-15 Polymer Flat Dark Earth [MAG310-FDE]
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  • Model: MAG310FDE
  • MPN: MAG310-FDE
  • UPC: 873750001517

The Magpul CTR (Compact/Type Restricted) Mil-Spec Model is a drop-in replacement buttstock for AR15/M16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. Designed for light, fast action the streamlined A-frame profile avoids snagging and shields the release latch to prevent accidental activation. The CTR also features a supplemental friction lock system that minimizes excessive stock movement for enhanced weapon stability* and an ambidextrous QD sling mount that will accept any push-button sling swivel.

UPC: 873750001517
Brand: Uncategorized

Department: Stocks And Forends » CTR »

Magpul CTR Mil-Spec AR-15 Reinforced Polymer Flat Dark Earth [MAG310-FDE]

Firearm Type: AR-15
Material: Reinforced Polymer
Finish: Flat Dark Earth
Features: 0.30 Thick Butt-Pad
Adjustment Type: Collapsible
Positions: 6
Including Tube: No

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