Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Black [MAG504]

Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Bl
Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Bl
Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Bl
Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Bl

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Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Black [MAG504]
  • 99+ inventory
Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Black [MAG504]
  • 99+ inventory
Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Black [MAG504]
  • 99+ inventory

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: MAG504
  • MPN: MAG504
  • UPC: 873750005256

UPC: 873750005256
Brand: Magpul

Department: Slings » MSA- MOE Sling Attachment »

Magpul MOE Sling Attachment Fits MOE Handguards Black [MAG504]

Model: MSA- MOE Sling Attachment
Type: Sling Mount
Finish/Color: Black
Finish/Color: BLK
Fit: MOE Handguards

Product description information above is provided by the manufacturer and may contain typographical errors, and/or out-dated information. If you have questions or concerns about the product information, please contact us Here **