Magpul Paraclip Melonite Steel Black [MAG541-BLK]

Magpul Paraclip Melonite Steel Black [MAG541-BLK]

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  • Model: MAG541BLK
  • MPN: MAG541-BLK
  • UPC: 873750010861

Clip-style sling attachment point for 1-1/4 webbing. Lockable, Melonite finished steel and reinforced polymer hardware. Compatible with ASAP Plate, RSA, MSA, SGA Receiver Sling Mount, and many other clip-in sling attachment points. A cross-bolt lock bar allows the user to optionally lock the lever closed for extra security. For rear and front mounting it is compatible with many snap-hook style sling loops* and standard or QD sling swivels. * Snap-hook style sling loops with an inner diameter of at least 3/8 are required, but 9/16 and larger will provide full range of motion.

UPC: 873750010861
Brand: Uncategorized

Department: Slings » Paraclip »

Magpul MAG541-Black Paraclip Melonite Steel Black [MAG541-BLK]

Color: Black
Material: Steel

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