Magpul RVG Vertical Grip Textured Polymer Black [MAG412-BLK]

Magpul RVG Vertical Grip Textured Polymer Black [M

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Magpul RVG Vertical Grip Textured Polymer Black [MAG412-BLK]
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  • Model: MAG412BLK
  • MPN: MAG412-BLK
  • UPC: 873750005003

Designed for use with 1913 Picatinny railed hand guards, the RVG is a basic, light weight, cost-effective vertical fore grip. Shape is ergonomically designed for use as a traditional vertical grip. It has also been optimized for use with the thumb break method of shooting as taught by Magpul DynamicsSM. Includes all mounting hardware plus a universal mounting rail for custom fitting to many factory plastic hand guards.

UPC: 873750005003
Brand: Uncategorized

Department: Grips And Recoil Pads » RVG »

Magpul MAG412-Black RVG Vertical Grip Textured Polymer Black Picatinny [MAG412-BLK]

Model: RVG
Finish: Textured
Material: Polymer
Color: Black

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