MEC Reloading Magnum Shot/Powder Bottle Each Universal Large [8042]

MEC Reloading Magnum Shot/Powder Bottle Each Unive

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  • Model: 8042
  • MPN: 8042
  • UPC: 098489010795

MEC Reloading Magnum Shot/Powder Bottle Each Universal Large [8042] - Ammo Freedom carries mec reloading supplies and reloading accessories. Find MEC shot & powder bottle for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

The Mec magnum shot/powder bottle was designed specifically for storing your powder until you are ready to use it. It is unsafe to put powder in a glass jar or bottle or any other container which could cause pressure buildup. Store your powder where there is no chance of spark, fire or flame, where it is cool and dry and where children cannot reach it. Modern smokeless powders must be confined to cause an explosion.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 098489010795
MPN: 8042
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Magnum
Series: Shot & Powder Bottle
Size: Large
Quantity: 1
Weight: Lightweight
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