Mojo Decoy Crow 6 AA Batteries [HW2402]

Mojo Decoy Crow 6 AA Batteries [HW2402]
Mojo Decoy Crow 6 AA Batteries [HW2402]
Mojo Decoy Crow 6 AA Batteries [HW2402]

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  • Model: HW2402
  • MPN: HW2402
  • UPC: 816740002743

The Mojo Crow decoy uses the dual shaft, direct drive motor system, but now with more effective / user friendly features such as a built in 1 1/2 seconds on and 1 1/2 seconds off cycler and magnetic wings. The built in cycle with the on / off feature mimics a crow fighting or poaching on other injured prey, which causes other Crow to join in. The magnetic wings just slide onto motor shaft quickly and eliminates timely set ups. The Mojo crow has also been converted to operate on 6 AA batteries (not included), which keeps the weight down and will run much longer. The Mojo crow will attract crow from a much farther distance than a standard decoy.

MPN: HW2402
UPC: 816740002743
Brand: Mojo

Department: Decoys » Decoy » Crow

Mojo Decoy Crow 6 AA Batteries [HW2402]

Type: Crow Decoy
Species: Crow
Quantity: 1
Color: Black
Battery: AA (6)
Audible or Motion: Motion only
Application: Decoy

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