MTM Reloading DS-750 Mini Digital Scale up-to 750 Grain Capacity w/Case [DS750]

MTM Reloading DS-750 Mini Digital Scale up-to 750
MTM Reloading DS-750 Mini Digital Scale up-to 750
MTM Reloading DS-750 Mini Digital Scale up-to 750

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  • Model: DS750
  • MPN: DS750
  • UPC: 026057307503

MTM Reloading DS-750 Mini Digital Scale up-to 750 Grain Capacity w/Case [DS750]

MTM Case-Gard's pocket sized Mini Digital Reloading Scale is sure to satisfy all level of sportsmen, from first time reloaders to competitive gun and archery shooters. Custom designed to facilitate bullet, powder and arrow weighing, the Mini Digital Reloading Scale has an easy-to-read, backlit LCD display, extended 3 minute auto shut-off, and up to a 750 grain capacity with a +/- 0.2 grain accuracy. It measures in grains, grams, carats, and ounces on the stainless steel sensory platform. The plastic sensory cover doubles as large powder pan. Scale includes a high-quality, foam lined case for permanent storage and protected travel, calibration weight and detailed instructions, and 2 AAA batteries. Not recommended for trickle powder charging.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057307503
MPN: DS750
Class: Reloading Accessories
Make: Reloading Scale
Series: DS-750 Mini Digital
Size: Mini
Quantity: 1
Function: Weigh
Includes: Case
Capacity: 750 Grains
Finish: Red
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